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npm install three @tresjs/core@1.8.1 -D
yarn add three @tresjs/core@1.8.1 -D
pnpm add three @tresjs/core@1.8.1 -D

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ThreeJS is a wonderful library to create awesome WebGL 3D websites. Is also a constantly updated library that makes hard for wrapper maintainers like TroisJS to keep up with all the enhancements.

React ecosystem has an impresive custom render solution called React-three-fiber that allows you build your scenes declaratively with re-usable, self-contained components that react to state.

In my search for something similar in the VueJS ecosystem, I found this amazing library called Lunchbox which works with the same concept that R3F, it provides a custom Vue3 Renderer. I'm also contributing to improve this library so it gets as mature and feature-rich as R3F.

The only problem is, mixing different renderers in Vue 3 is something the Vue community is still working on - see here for more information.

Until there is a solution similar to React Reconciliation you will need to create 2 separate Apps which might be not ideal.

// Example Vite setup
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createApp as createLunchboxApp } from 'lunchboxjs'
import App from './App.vue'
import LunchboxApp from './LunchboxApp.vue'

// html app
const app = createApp(App)

// lunchbox app
const lunchboxApp = createLunchboxApp(LunchboxApp)
// assuming there's an element with ID `lunchbox` in your HTML app

So I was inspired by both libraries to create something that wouldn't require creating a custom renderer but intelligent enough to generate Vue components based on the ThreeJS constructors with 0-to-none manteinance required three:latest. That's TresjS.